Full Circle Veterinary Alternatives


April 13, 2018

What is hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of certain conditions. Cats and dogs are placed in a pool or on an underwater treadmill. The buoyancy and the controlled temperature of the water help your pet increase the range of motion of painful joints, improve muscle mass and have decreased musculoskeletal pain.

What conditions benefit from hydrotherapy?

Your pet could benefit from hydrotherapy if they suffer from arthritis, joint pain, decreased joint range of motion, muscle weakness, or if they have any neurologic dysfunction. Healthy performance animals can also benefit from hydrotherapy as it can help with muscle strengthening and conditioning. Overweight patients benefit from hydrotherapy as it offers a low impact activity and can help with weight loss.

Would older pets benefit from hydrotherapy?

Many senior pets benefit greatly from hydrotherapy. When they move on a treadmill, for instance, their joints are supported by the buoyancy, compression and warmth of the water. You will see improvements in mobility as muscle mass increases and joints move more freely. Cardiac endurance can also improve both pool and treadmill work.