
Holistic Flea, Tick and Deworming Options for Cats & Dogs

Fleas infestations can be devastating for allergic pets; ticks carry microbes that cause problems like Lyme disease and internal parasites can also cause disease for both people and animals. Conventional veterinary products include oral and topical products for killing fleas, ticks and intestinal worms. While most of these products focus on insect-specific toxins, many people would like to minimize or stop giving pesticide and/or pharmaceutical products designed to kill fleas or ticks. We are often asked about natural or safe products for dealing with fleas, ticks and intestinal worms. You should always discuss this in detail with the veterinary team at Full Circle Veterinary Alternatives, so we can make sound decisions based on risk and benefit for you and your dog or cat.

Do you carry a natural deworming product?

We carry two Chinese herbal products, Guan Zhong San and Tao Chong Fang. Guan Zhong San deals with gastrointestinal worms like roundworm, while Tao Chong Fan treats tapeworm. These are used for dogs and cats. We also carry diatomaceous earth which some people use as a gastrointestinal deworming agent. Natural deworming protocols also involve fecal checks for parasites. Your Full Circle Veterinarian will guide you to the appropriate product for your pet

What tick control products are available at Full Circle Veterinary Alternatives?

Full Circle carries some of the typical conventional products, including Bravecto and Revolution. Our doctors investigate safety and efficacy claims for each product and direct you to the protocol that will give you the level of protection combined with safety that you desire. We also have recipes for natural sprays that you can use at home and can refer you to other locally available essential oil sprays.

What flea control products are available at Full Circle Veterinary Alternatives?

Full Circle carries some of the typical conventional products, including Bravecto and Revolution as well diatomaceous earth. Our doctors investigate safety and efficacy claims for each product and direct you to the protocol that will give you the level of protection combined with safety that you desire. We also have handouts available on non-drug treatment plans and recipes for natural repellent sprays that you can make at home. We can also refer you to other locally available essential oil sprays.

Do natural flea and tick sprays work?

There are very few well-designed studies on natural flea and tick sprays. This makes advising on their efficacy difficult for us. There are some interesting newer studies on spraying a cedar oil extract on the environment around homes in high tick density locations. This seems to be quite effective in keeping ticks at bay. The moral is continue to be cautious and examine your pet thoroughly for ticks, even if you use an essential oil spray. Keep tick removal devices, available at Full Circle Veterinary Alternatives, handy.

Will natural products hurt my dog or cat?

Some natural products, like essential oils could be harmful if not diluted. Cats, in particular, are very sensitive to essential oils. Please advise our veterinarians of any natural products you are using. Even a product like Diatomaceous earth could irritate the airways of an asthmatic pet and yet be very safe for most other animals.